Behind the Scenes at
Camp Ak-O-Mak

August 18th update – COLOUR RUN DAY!

Today was a wonderful and action-packed day at camp! We had a full morning of activity. Cabin One played an intense game of volleyball, then a badminton match, followed by their swim practice. Cabin Two completed their first round in the tennis tournament, then they went to volleyball, and finished the morning with their swim practice. Cabin Three played lacrosse, then went to swimming practice, and then worked on their basketball skills. Cabin Four went to the archery range, then swim practice, and then completed some strength training in the form of a boot camp class. Cabin Five went to swim practice, then attended a gymnastics class, and then had a jump rope class.

 This afternoon we had our Colour Run! This event is a camp favourite and today was the perfect sunny day to hold it. All our campers arrived in front of the main house for a camp-wide dance party to warm up for the colour run. Their moves were energetic, and their spirits were high. The campers set off in their cabin groups to complete the colour run. They ran a 5km route that consisted of colour stations every kilometre. The campers crossed the finish line covered in colour and full of smiles.

We finished off the evening with a jump in the lake and a game of speedball. All in all it was a wonderful day at camp.

Mark your calendar

Make this their best summer yet.