Camp Ak-O-Mak’s “Kick Start” one-week session is the perfect introduction to camp life for first-time campers! Our “Kick Start” sessions allow campers ages seven to ten to experience camp life in a one-week summer camp experience
Campers will enjoy being with their age group peers who also are experiencing camp life for the first time. Low staff/camper ratios will allow our newest campers additional support and guidance as they develop confidence.
Gain independence while exploring the outdoors and connecting with nature with a break from technology
With a special interest in child development, we provide a welcoming program for new campers. Alumni counselors endeavour to personalize the experience to set your child up for success.
Our program is designed to give first-time campers an authentic "taste" of Ak-O- Mak, including classes, lessons, and camp activities.
We believe that all of our campers benefit from a 2-3 week session, so when our 'new' one-week campers become 'returning' campers, they must choose a full-length session.
Registration is limited on a first-come-first-serve basis. Kick Start Camps start on a Sunday; campers must arrive after 2 pm and before 4 pm. Camp ends on Saturday pick-up between 9 am and 11 am. No bus service is available.
Because of the timing of the sessions, it will not be possible to expose our 'one weekers' to our out trips or special All Camp programming.
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